During the site initiation visit of the Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris site, Prof. Olivier HANON from Broca Hospital included with his team the first patient in the SHIVA cohort. Several other inclusions are already scheduled at the Memory Clinic of Bordeaux with Dr. Jean Sebastien Liegey and at Broca.
This study aims to explore the relation of brain and retinal microvasculature image characteristics (imaging biomarkers), as well as molecular biomarkers derived. This will create a unique deeply characterized resource for epidemiological and mechanistic investigations of cSVD, which can also serve as a pilot setting to test the trajectories and requirements for individualized patient care of cSVD patients.
This cohort will be conducted over 5 years: the 400 patients will be included over the next 2 years and followed for 3 years in the study:
A big thank you to all the clinical teams for your involvement and for your efforts in screening patients!